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The Gratitude

The Gratitude

SKU: Purchase directly from EightbyOne

To purchase, please visit this website: 


In honor of Grayson, one strong little boy who's story is raising awareness for Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and funds for Sick Kids, The Gratitude bracelet is the perfect addition to any arm party. and available in sizes for every family member.  Handcrafted with love, this elastic beaded bracelet is one that gives back.  With every purchase of The Gratitude bracelet, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Grayson's Gratitude.  Just like that, you are 1 of 8 billion who has just changed the world.


    We love your bracelet just as much as you do and want to make sure it stays as pretty as the day you first wore it forever.  Avoid wearing it in the water and make sure to remove it when applying any skincare products such as lotion and body oil.  


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